Saturday, August 9, 2008


...Or maybe just the right ingredients.

Two months ago I planted basil, oregano, and cilantro is some pots I received for Christmas. The seeds began to sprout beautifully, the cilantro grew to over an inch tall. But the June cold, cloudy spell hit right as the seeds were getting going. They wilted and died soon after. Disappointed, I put the pots in the basement, planning to empty them out later.

Last weekend, I decided to use the pots to plant wildflower seeds I received for my birthday (thanks, Galen!). I stirred the soil, watered it well without removing the dead sprouts or leftover seeds, and since the very person who gave me the seeds was in town for few days, I let the pots be to go spend some quality time with a bestest buddy.

Last night, a week after preparing the soil for wildflowers, I went downstairs for some ever-exciting document filing. Low and behold... sprouts! All three, the basil, cilantro, and oregano had sprouted and were growing strong. I was especially excited to see the oregano growing well. Oregano seeds are the size of tiny pepper flakes, and the sprouts about the same diameter and partly translucent.

I always forget to turn off the basement lights, but this is exactly what helped my sad little seedlings start growing again! The pots are perfectly placed beneath a compact florescent light bulb, the advice my same wildflower-buddy gave to me! I'll be sure to leave the light on tonight.

So perhaps I will have fresh herbs after all. And maybe I'll use this situation as a lesson to not give up and that sometimes the right conditions are all that are needed to flourish. I should probably not use this situation as a lesson that laziness sometimes pays off though (by me not emptying those pots months ago)...

1 comment:

  1. but sometimes laziness does pay off!

    yay, i'm so glad the herbs sprouted! :)


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