Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fire Drill

Maybe my experience was different than most, but in grade school we learned during fire drills to leave all of our belongings behind and in an orderly fashion, get the heck out of the building. During a fire drill at work years ago, I did just that. Except as I stood shivering in the parking lot, I realized how silly it was that I left my keys, wallet, phone, and jacket behind! What would I do if the building actually burned down? Camp out in the parking lot or hitch a ride, I guess. Then begin the process of getting another driver's license, buying a new cell phone, replacing credit and membership cards, and requesting friends' numbers.

I know my life and safety are more important than these things, but considering I always keep my purse right next to me on my desk, it seems foolish not to grab it and other necessities close by on the way out the door. I think that's one lesson school got wrong. And I should make a mental note to not always take elementary school lessons so literally.

1 comment:

  1. They teach you that, because time is important. Later in life we are taught to have one "grab and go" emergency bag. Typically this will be a knapsack with the essentials, like energy bars, phone, radio, flashlight, emergency blanket, etc. You should have one for work and home. You might have to sleep on the lawn for a few days if there's a big earthquake.


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