Monday, March 30, 2009

Closing Washington Parks

The Seattle Times reported today on the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, who identified more than 47 state parks that could be closed temporarily or transferred to different governance to cut costs. Washington state legislature has suggested similar cuts to parks and recreation in the past.

Lawmakers eye $5 car-tab fee to keep state parks open
Seattle Times - March 30, 2009

I understand that these are tough economic times for everyone, especially state governments. But there is not much that infuriates me more than closing areas of recreation - most of all during a recession. If there is a time people have need for access to free recreation, it is now. Some of the parks they suggest closing include St. Edwards Seminary, Wallace Falls, and Fort Ebey - all parks that include constructive and free activities like camping, hiking, and mountain biking. These activities can help keep kids out of trouble, provide weekend getaways for families, and define Northwest life.

All I can say is cut costs elsewhere; do whatever it takes... do not close parks.


  1. I definitely do not do enough outdoor activities. I've never even heard of any of the parks you mentioned...

  2. seconded.

    we were just at fort ebey. so beautiful.

  3. Closing parks makes no sense what so ever. They need to reconsider the options. I hate to say it but a daily user fee system may have to be implemented. A season pass should also be an option to those that use the State park system regularly.


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