Monday, February 2, 2009

More Bad Car Karma

My jaw dropped this morning as I walked out to my car and the BMW parked next to me had the driver's window smashed out. As I drove down my street, every fifth car or so had a window smashed out, including my roommate's car. What is the deal with all this car vandalism? Are there just really nasty, cranky, spiteful people out there whose purpose is to mess with other people's stuff? Until now I've always felt fairly safe in my neighborhood, but this certainly makes me think twice about that - and it definitely makes me nervous parking my car on the street.

Feel free to share car stories here, especially if you live in Seattle neighborhoods and have seen this type of thing happen often...

1 comment:

  1. Erin called me this morning to tell me about her car, SUPER LAME. This has been happening quite frequently lately in Ballard, too. I'm constantly nervous about it because we only have one garage parking space so either Stew or I have to park on the street. I've seen a window broken out in front of my building but so far we have been lucky. Fingers crossed!


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