Sunday, October 12, 2008


The Seahawks have now lost four games and won only one, against the Rams, one of the worst teams in the NFL. I'm not giving up hope yet, but our prospects for making the playoffs this year look pretty grim. Our team just can't seem to stay healthy and our defense has had a lackluster at best performance so far this year. And the Giants kicking our butt was nearly humiliating, except for the fact that the Giants are one of the best, if not the best, teams in the NFL. I guess this means I might have more free time on Sundays since watching the games is not quite so exciting when your team is losing.

On a side note, I finally loaded photos onto my computer from the Seahawks - 49ers game on September 14th, the Seahawks season opener. It was a warm, sunny Seattle September day, so it was hard to be too depressed even though Seattle lost. Mother Nature perhaps decided to grant Seattle a beautiful September because she knew the Seahawks would bomb this year. So here are a few photos.

1 comment:

  1. And, besides not playing very well, their play selection is uninspired. I still think they can have a decent season, unless Hasselbeck stays out.


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