Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My To-Do List

By writing this down and sharing with others, hopefully I'll encourage myself to complete the list below. Below is my to-do list for the coming months. Winter can be a depressing time in the dreary Northwest, so here is a list to keep me motivated, active, in shape, avoid any symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, and keep off that holiday pudge. Some on the list like biking and running are not always feasible in Seattle winter, but I will try my best. Wish me luck!
  • Get comfortable riding my bike on the street and getting around Seattle that way.
  • Try mountain biking.
  • Learn to drive confidently in the snow so I can go cross country skiing anytime I want this winter.
  • Start regularly hitting the gigantic set of stairs by my house.
  • Try downhill skiing this winter.
  • Go snowshoeing for the first time this winter.
  • Complete my Adobe Photoshop CS3 Classroom in a Book so I can be proficient Photoshop user.
  • Learn to not hate running so much.
  • Start reading each book on my bookshelf before I buy or check out more books. This includes Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, so we'll see how long that takes.
  • Sign up to volunteer for the Seattle Expanding Your Horizons conference.
  • Expand my music interests.
  • Navigate Washington, D.C. by myself in a couple weeks.
  • Visit Gabs and Galen as soon as possible!


  1. yay for the last one! :) and - let's go snowshoeing when i'm home

  2. You should definitely try snowboarding, too! I need someone to go up with this winter... ;-)


Thanks for reading Seattle Swift!