Friday, August 29, 2008

The Tipping Point

If I may draw from what I have learned working for the National Girls Collaborative Project, I believe the U.S. has reach a tipping point. Quoting the NGCP Replication Guide: "Gladwell (2000) describes the tipping point as the point at which small, targeted strategies or activities that happen unsystematically become widespread, causing a cultural shift that drives systemic and inherent change" (1).

Today John McCain declared his running mate to be Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. No longer is our presidential race simply a competition between middle-aged and elderly upper class white men. There has been a cultural shift - it is now critical for presidential hopefuls to represent more than just these white men. The glass ceiling is not simply cracked: it has been smashed repeatedly with only fragile remains still in place.

Minorities, women, and other underrepresented groups still have more ground to gain, and the wage disparity between these groups and white men still remains significant. But today is an exciting day. No matter who is elected, November 4, 2008 will be a historic time for the U.S. Either way, a woman or an African American will sit in one of the two most powerful positions in the White House, making executive decisions that shape our nation and future. We have reached a tipping point, and I am hopeful and excited for the future.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen comments ranging from "brilliant" to "a cynical ploy." Whatever the real motive and strategy behind the choice, it does represent a change from the elections of the past. Independent of your personal politics, you actually do have a choice this election for something other than what "white-hair guy" you dislike the least.


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