Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thumbs Up, Obama!

Today was a monumental day for our nation - Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States.

Though I've heard skeptics say "wait a minute, don't be excited yet, he hasn't done anything," I disagree - he and the American people who voted have already allowed our country to regain some respect worldwide. He has ignited passion and hope in millions of Americans that yes, we can make our country better. We can revamp our economy, build a working healthcare system, do our part to stop climate change, and help spread peace across nations and peoples. We will be better and we are ready. Isn't that something - something pretty incredible considering our state of pessimism and apathy for the past seven years?

So, Obama, you get a thumbs up from Seattle Swift! I am incredibly thankful I witnessed history today and took my part in voting for change.

And visit http://obamiconme.pastemagazine.com/ for some Obama poster fun!!

1 comment:

Thanks for reading Seattle Swift!